
Legislation has expanded exponentially in its volume and complexity over time and the powers conferred on law enforcement agencies to investigate alleged terrorist offences have never been so extensive. 

Facing the challenge 

At SMW we advise and represent clients at all stages of terrorism cases. Our team recognises that being suspected in the involvement of such an offence is daunting and devastating for our clients and their families and that early advice and intervention is essential to ensuring their rights and interests are safeguarded. 

We only instruct the country’s leading specialist barristers to ensure any client facing allegations of this nature receive the best possible representation. 

Counter Terrorism Regime

The UK have become vigilant against acts that could be seen as terroristic. Terrorism is defined in UK legislation as an act that is designed to influence the government, or to intimidate the public or a section of it to advance a political, religious, or ideological cause. The act includes those that involve serious violence; serious damage to property; endanger a person's life; a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of it; or, seriously interfere or disrupt an electronic system. 

Terrorist offences are wide and expansive, and many actions that could be classified as terrorism could also be caught under mainstream legislation offences. If you are being investigated for a terrorism related offence, speak to lawyer at SMW for legal advice. 

Notable Cases

Our recent cases in this area.

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