Youth Acquitted of Attempted s.18 GBH

Leah Connolly

19 March 2024

Our client appeared before Stratford Youth Court for trial charged with attempted grievous bodily harm with intent.  

The prosecution alleged that our client threatened and attempted to harm two unknown males with a machete following an altercation at his home address. Our client denied the allegation. Whilst he accepted being in possession of the blade, he denied any attempt to harm the two males, they were in fact his friends. The prosecution relied on CCTV claiming it showed a sustained altercation between our client and the two males.

Detailed instructions were taken. We also located one of the males involved who provided a statement and gave evidence at trial in support of our client.  The District Judge commended SMW on the preparation of the case and found our client not guilty. Our client was very happy with the outcome.

Leah Connolly had conduct of the case and instructed Lucy Kinder of 9 Bedford Row Chambers.

Thank you

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