Vulnerable client receives significantly reduced sentence for s18 GBH

Leah Connolly

18 August 2023

Our client was sentenced at Southwark Crown Court in relation to one count s.18 GBH, three counts of Possession of a Bladed Article, and one count of violent disorder.

These allegations centre around a very public episode of violent disorder in Hyde Park. Our client had only recently turned 18-years-old at the time of the incident, and she was exceptionally vulnerable.

Consideration was given at length to issues of fitness to plead and fitness to stand trial, which resulted in the instruction of a psychiatrist and a psychologist to assess our client. At a later stage of proceedings, our client pleaded guilty to the above counts.

Due to the significant weight of personal mitigation offered to the Court in favour of the defendant, and the exceptional advocacy of instructed counsel Ms Jessica Ward, a sentence of 40 months imprisonment was secured. When the amount of time spent on tagged curfew was deducted, the defendant was only left with 8 months of custodial time to serve.

Leah Connolly prepared this case. Jessica Ward of 2 Bedford Row Chambers was instructed.

Thank you

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