Suspended Sentence for Conspiracy to Supply Class A and Possession of Criminal Property

Phoebe Coleman

01 May 2024

Operation Mackerel investigated an N1 conspiracy to supply class A drugs via a drugs Line. Our client was charged along with 8 others in proceedings before Snaresbrook Crown Court with two counts of conspiracy to supply class A (cocaine and heroin). He was also charged with possession of criminal property in relation to cash found on his person on arrest.

Our client accepted limited involvement in the conspiracy and pleaded guilty on a basis. This basis was subsequently rejected, and the Crown served further evidence said to show our client was a line-holder and also recruited others into the conspiracy. Our client had extensive previous convictions and was subject to proceedings for breach of suspended sentence throughout these proceedings also.

We obtained extensive medical records for our client and had him psychologically assessed. Our mitigation demonstrated that access to specialist medical care was essential to our client.

In light of this evidence, and despite a starting point of 4 years 6 months imprisonment on the Crown’s submissions, our client received a sentence of 24 months imprisonment suspended for 24 months. He therefore remains in the community and is able to receive the medical care he requires. He was deeply grateful for this outcome.

Phoebe Coleman was the solicitor with conduct of this case. Meredoc McMinn of Garden Court chambers was the instructed barrister.

Thank you

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