Non-custodial Sentence for Serious Arson Offence

Lorena Lowen

22 March 2024

Our client was charged with arson being reckless as to whether life is endangered, an indictable-only offence that can incur a life sentence. He was also charged with two assaults on emergency workers from a struggle in the police station after arrest. Had he pleaded guilty to the offences with which he was initially charged, he would have expected to receive a custodial sentence.

We instructed a psychiatrist to prepare an expert psychiatric report which reviewed our client’s history of mental health issues and suggested these would likely have contributed to the commissioning of the offence. Having disclosed this report to the prosecution, we offered them a plea to the lesser offence of simple Arson.

The prosecution accepted our plea offer and the matter was therefore resolved before trial. Our client was sentenced to a 24-month community order.

Lorena Lowen had conduct of this case, assisted by Hugo Cheema-Grubb. We instructed Nick Murphy of 25 Bedford Row Chambers.

Thank you

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