Detention & Training Order sentence successfully overturned on appeal

Leah Connolly

08 March 2024

Leah Connolly successfully appeals a 12-month Detention & Training Order imposed by Stratford Youth Court

RA was 16 years old when he appeared before the Youth Court at Stratford, charged with three offences of possession of an offensive weapon. The Court imposed a 12-month Detention and training Order (DTO).

Leah instructed a child psychologist to assess RA, who concluded that RA had extremely low IQ and was extremely vulnerable. Leah appealed this sentenced to Snaresbrook Crown Court. On appeal, it was successfully submitted to the Court that the Youth Court had failed to give proper consideration and weight to the defendant’s vulnerabilities. We also challenged the lower court’s interpretation of exceptional circumstances and its failure to take into account RA’s vulnerabilities and lack of previous involvement within the criminal justice system.

The Crown Court overturned the sentence, imposing a Youth Rehabilitation Order (YRO) with Intense Supervision & Surveillance (ISS).

Leah instructed Jennifer Morris of 9BR Chambers.

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