Client Acquitted of Serious Drug Charges After 3-Month Trial

Amy Cox

10 March 2020

Sonn Macmillan Walker represented one of 17 defendants charged in Operation Xylographer, which related to a large-scale conspiracy to supply Class A and B drugs.

The evidence was in the form of observations, forensic links to items recovered during various searches of addresses linked to the defendants, and significant phone evidence.

Our client had one minor unrelated previous conviction, and we were able to secure him bail subject to a number of conditions.

At half time in the trial a successful application was made that there was no case to answer in respect of the Conspiracy to supply Class B drugs.

Our client gave evidence in his defence and we called one defence witness to support his account.  In addition, we produced various defence obtained documents, specifically to show contact with co-defendants was solely related to their friendships and had no reference to drugs.

A phone expert was instructed to assist us in processing the volume of phone material served in the case.

Our client was unanimously acquitted of the one remaining charge of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs.

The case was prepared by Amy Cox, assisted by Anna Leathem, and Alex Di Francesco of 25 Bedford Row Chambers was instructed.

Thank you

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