SMW Success: Medical Regulator Finds No Case To Answer

David Bloom

23 January 2024

In June 2022, our client, who holds a senior position in the medical profession, was accused by her ex-partner of assault. 

She admitted causing his injuries but said she was acting in her own self-defence and to protect her own property. We made detailed pre-charge representations and in November 2022 the CPS decided to take ‘no further action’.

Despite this, our client was investigated by her professional regulator for more than 18 months which finally alleged she was unfit to practise. We made robust representations, anchored in the facts and relevant statutory provisions, and were delighted that the investigating committee panel determined in January 2024 that our client had ‘no case to answer’ as there was no realistic prospect that her conduct could amount to misconduct.

Our client is naturally overcome with relief that this matter is behind her.

David Bloom of Sonn Macmillan Walker was instructed.

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