CPS Drop Bladed Article Prosecution

David Sonn

27 July 2021

Sonn Macmillan Walker achieved an outstanding result for a client prosecuted for waving a large kitchen knife in the street outside his home.

The proceedings were going to prevent him from taking a highly paid job in the USA, as he was advised that his application for a visa would be refused if he revealed their existence. The CPS were sent detailed representations as to why the proceedings ought to be dropped.

The representations relied on the availability to our client of the defence of “good reason” for having knife in a public place and the fact that the police were unable to provide a recording of a 999 call, that his mobile phone service provider confirmed he had made at the time, reporting an intruder. The CPS considered the representations with notable speed and offered no evidence.

David Sonn had conduct of the case as solicitor and Crown Court advocate. He was assisted by Rebecca Thomas and Olivia Rawlings.

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