Client acquitted of 7 counts including attempted rape and section 18 GBH

Annie Loh

17 January 2024

Our client was accused of attempted rape, sexual assault, threats to kill, criminal damage, assault of an emergency worker, and two counts of causing grievous bodily harm with intent. He was acquitted of all counts after a 5-day trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court.

The prosecution alleged that our client attempted to rape a female in a squat, after which a fight broke out between our client, the female, her boyfriend, and their friends. Our client accepted there was an argument but has always maintained that the fight was over a missing bike. Although the complainants and our client both received injuries, with our client sustaining a substantial laceration to his nose, the police arrested only our client on arrival at the scene in relation to the attempted rape, sexual assault, and GBH with intent.

A further charge of criminal damage was added when our client expelled blood onto the ambulance floor. His position was that this was due to being unable to breath from his injury. Another charge of making threats to kill was added when a police officer alleged that our client threatened to kill the complainant’s boyfriend, with a final charge added of assault of an emergency worker.

In addition to rigorous consideration of the evidence, detailed instructions were taken to prepare a robust defence. Conferences were taken with particular care as our client was almost exclusively an Arabic speaker and was assisted by an interpreter. We are delighted that our client was unanimously acquitted by the jury after advances denials and self defence.

Annie Loh acted on this case, with Amy Cox as the solicitor with conduct. Clare Leslie of Lamb Building was instructed.

Thank you

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