14-year-old avoids CPS prosecution

Annie Loh

24 November 2023

This case was prepared by Leah Connolly, assisted by Annie Loh.

Our client, AE, a 14-year-old youth was charged with s.39 common assault, later elevated to s.47 assault occasioning actual bodily harm. AE avoids prosecution due to diligent representation by Leah Connolly and Annie Loh.

AE was of good character had been arrested for assault. After a full comment interview, AE was referred to the Youth Justice Service who approved and commenced an out of court disposal (OOCD). The Police took issue with their decision and chose to charge. Through resolute communication with the Prosecuting lawyer including a letter of representations, Leah and Annie were able to persuade the CPS to drop the proceedings and allow the OOCD to continue.

This allowed our client to continue with her OOCD without having to be doubly punished again via the criminal courts; prioritizing the child-focused aims of the youth justice system and avoiding her being unnecessarily introduced to the criminal justice system.

Thank you

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