Amy Cox: Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year 2024

12 July 2024

On Friday 5th July, Amy Cox won the Legal Aid Lawyer of the Year award 2024 in the category of Criminal Defence. The annual awards were hosted by the Legal Aid Practitioners Group. It is the only event that celebrates social justice lawyers.

Amy’s win is an incredible testament to the tireless and top quality work she does in the criminal legal aid field. She was described as a “phenomenon” and “unsung hero”. In a climate where legal aid funding has been on the decline in recent years, Amy has continued to represent her clients to the highest standard. Winning the 2024 LALY award for Criminal Defence is a prestigious recognition of this.

We would like to thank Isobel McCarroll of 23 Essex Street for spearheading the nomination, as well as all of our barrister colleagues who submitted thoughtful testimonials: Kirsty Brimelow KC, Katy Thorne KC, Emma Goodall KC, Oliver Renton, Jessica Peck, and Rosalia Myttas-Perris. We are also very grateful that they were all able to attend the award ceremony to celebrate alongside us.

The standard of the finalists at the LALY awards this year was outstandingly high. The other Criminal Defence finalists were Rebecca Freitas from Ringrose Law and Katy Hanson from Welch & Co. LAPG CEO Chris Minnoch commented, “The standard of entries was exceptional and is a testament to the resilience, professionalism and sheer humanity of those on the social justice front line”.

Amy’s particular nomination included remarkable comments such as,

“Amy works tirelessly to ensure that each client has equal access to justice. Accordingly, she ensures that a lack of adequate funding through legal aid never stands in the way of the necessary defence enquiries being made, or adequate preparation being undertaken in legal aid cases.”

“Many of our colleagues are being driven out of the criminal justice system and in particular publicly funded work, or otherwise remain but become jaded, Amy presents as a refreshing antithesis to this. Acutely aware of the impact of this attrition, she has double downed in her commitment to continuing in this profession and does so with a great deal of enthusiasm and resolve.”

“Amy is personable and engaging and puts her all her energy into her clients’ cases.”

“She is completely committed to legal aid: no request is too much and she is always willing to explore every possible avenue for her client.”

We are also grateful to have received client testimonials to specifically support this nomination. It is for all the clients, whose lives are so directly impacted by the lack of legal aid funding, that lawyers like Amy work with so much commitment and dedication.

Throughout the nomination, there was particular mention of Amy’s impact and leadership for junior members of the profession. As Head of Mentoring for the organisation Women in Criminal Law, Amy has particular care for forging the path for the next generation, and assisting the fight in making this profession sustainable.

It was great for SMW to attend the LALYS 2024 and support Amy in receiving her well-deserved award. We are grateful to all the well-wishes and congratulatory messages Amy and SMW have received since the ceremony.

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Amy Cox

Associate Director

Amy is our Head of Litigation and oversees the Crown Court team. She was made an Associate Director in 2023.

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